How to run a virus scan on your friend list ?

A Superb wonderful article from Rahul T

In search of truth

My wife is part German. Every Sunday she cleans the entire house (disinfects, sterilizes actually ). I help her mostly by staying out of it. Because girls have a cleaning manual which boys are supposed to know ( since birth ). And we don’t .The moment I think I have figured it out, the rules change. How do I know the rules have changed ? She looks at me and this is what I see

angry hitler

PS –  She is German only on Sunday’s. Mostly after 3 glasses of wine, she is as French as you can be.

But the clean up drive makes my house a lovely place to stay. We have a grand Sunday feast and we sleep in the afternoon like Hippos in the mud. Content and lazy. I think the food tastes better because the house is clean and vibrant. Also it makes us sleep better.


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