Top 8 Things money cannot always buy?

1. Lost  time

In that it can help you outsource your tasks to spend your time how you prefer, money can buy you time. “However, none of us knows how long we have on this earth, so in that sense it cannot buy you more time to live.”   As each day passes, it is lost and you can never get it back. When you miss that chance to say, “I love you,” to someone special, or you tell your kids, “Not now, I have to work,” that opportunity is gone. No amount of money that you make in the future will get that day, that moment, back.

3. Skill

“You can take classes in any art from the best teachers and coaches available, but only effort, sweat, and willpower can buy skill. Money can give you the freedom and time to practice things, and get you better gear and instruction, and buy you the tools that help facilitate skill but skill is only between you and the art. Money may or may not open the door, but only your effort and will can walk you through that door.”

4. Real love & respect

“People might act as if they respect you, but what they respect is the power of money and not you as a person. Respect is earned through your actions.”

6. A good reputation

Sure, you can buy a PR person to make you look good, but ultimately, your reputation will come down to you, “earned through how you deal with others.” –Krystle Hannigan

7. Innocence

“The best things in life have no relation with money. The sad part, once you lose them, you can’t get them back, no matter how much money you have.”

8. Health

“… for a body ill cared for. All the money in the world won’t fix that.” Steve jobs had billion of dollars but that did not help saving him from cancer.

9. Not for sale product

The products or services, things which people consider priceless & do not want to let them go for sake of money.

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